Monday, July 13, 2009

The Letter

The Letter from SLC finally came in the mail! It said, basically "You have permission to marry her in the temple." And I would put a copy of the three signatures at the bottom of the letter right here except that just about the only other sentence in the whole letter was "You do not have permission to copy this letter." But these are the three guys whose autographs we have in our possession until we surrender the letter at the temple of our choice:


  1. Wow... you need a letter of approval for marriage? I never know that! Nice blog by the way, you really have a way with words! Try joining AdExcel (it's free!) at
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  2. You do need special permission to get married in a MORMON* temple!

    *Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Check it out at !

  3. I love that picture and I am SO excited for you. Which temple then... Houston?? Where will you get married...sorry I'm behind on all those specifics. Too bad you can't be up HERE so we can go! :)
